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'Fighting Ebola with Information' report now available

The U.S. Global Development Lab released a report on the role data and information and digital technologies (ICTs) played in the response to Ebola in West Africa.

The report is written for global health, humanitarian, and international development audiences, three communities that were central to the crisis and longer-term recovery phases of the response. It is designed to capture successes and lessons from the response. The intent of the report is to document both challenges and opportunities that arose in the use of data, information, and digital technologies during the response, and to offer concrete and actionable next steps for operationalization of these insights.

The report can be found here: Fighting Ebola with Information: Lessons from the Use of Data, Information, and Digital Technologies in the West African Ebola Outbreak Response.

For those looking specifically at mHero work in Ebola-affected countries, please use this link: